Vermantia participates in the “ICT4GROWTH” program, organised by the Operational Programme “Digital Convergence”, through the NSRF 2007-2013.
Following the framework of ICT4GROWTH action, VERMANTIA PRODUCTIONS S.A. has joined the funding project for the development of the innovative application of “Unified Adaptive Streaming Platform (UASP)”. This action is one of the most important actions of government support targeting an industry that constitutes a strategic development objective. Essentially, this is a mini-investment law that has as a main goal to support business plans for the design, the development and the commercial availability of innovative products and value added services that involve or are based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
The Unified Adaptive Streaming Platform (UASP) is the only Greek end-to-end product/service converting audiovisual material and integrating subtitle feed for Media Content platforms.
The Unified Adaptive Streaming Platform (UASP), consists of an ecosystem of software applications which covers a wide range of supported types, capable of covering usages from closed media content platforms with either offline or online use, broadcasting video stations, up to Over The Top content, including various adaptive streaming formats.
The advantages of the Unified Adaptive Streaming Platform (UASP) are: maximum efficiency in implementation time, the consolidation procedures for preparing and managing the content, and finally the creation of a Tailor made software for the specific needs of each client. As a service, it is addressed to all content holders, broadcasters, and studios with particular emphasis on the audiovisual industry in Greece and abroad.
This action falls within the policy framework of the “Digital Convergence” OP, utilizing resources from all NSRF 2007-2013 Regions, and it is also co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and other national resources.